The necromantic masterpiece of Death Priest Ranchefus. Eight grizzly bears stitched two-by-two in two layers, with a pair of heads split at the jaw and combined in a straining prow to struggle as each other’s lower mandible in blind, instinctual hunger and rage. A brutish centipede of crackling, dead muscle and dry hide. It is blind, but loathes the touch of sunlight and will not willingly enter it. It hunts by sound and smell. It reeks of rot, and leaves a tacky paintbrush-drag of gore behind it as it crawls through darkened tunnels. If it escapes into deeper caverns, it will likely live forever.
NOTE: The Spider at the Heart of Eight Bears has been designed for a d20 system that can be adapted to the most popular systems with a few small tweaks.
Init +1;
crawl 30′, climb/leap 20′; Act 4d24 (crit 20-24 as Monster, not Undead);
Claw +8 (1d8+2), bite +6 (2d6+2), corpse vomit +4 (Range 40′, Ref DC 14 or held);
AC 16 (thick, dry cuticle hide);
HD 8d12+8 (HP 60);
Ref +2, Fort +6, Will +8;
SP Bear hug, corpse vomit, devour, senses, undead;
Senses: TSATHOEB is blind; it hunts by sound (footfalls, whispering, sobs) and smell (sweat, blood, smoke, fear). If you are silent and scentless, it can’t find you. It will retreat from the touch of sunlight, but will fight to the death if cornered regardless of exposure.
Attacks: Although capable of four attacks each round, TSATHOEB can only attempt a claw/claw/bite at most on a single target; the other attack must be against a different target within its reach, or be used to vomit a corpse. TSATHOEB uses the Monster crit chart (not the Undead one), and crits on a natural 20-24.
Bear Hug: If a victim is hit by two claws in the same round, they are dragged under TSATHOEB and ravaged by its other clawed limbs for 2d8 damage. Escaping this position requires a DC 14 Reflex save to squirm free, a DC 14 Strength check to shove free by brute force, a specific power or ability to otherwise escape, or for TSATHOEB to move on its own. Targets killed by this ability are dragged along with TSATHOEB, leaving a broad streak of gore behind.
Corpse Vomit: TSATHOEB can split open along loosely-stitched seams to vomit a consumed corpse via muscular action. The corpse partially animates as a weak, mangled zombie where it lands, reaching out with ragged bowels and broken limbs to hold anything within the 5′ space it targets. PCs hit by this attack must save (Reflex DC 14) or be held in place by the animated mass of flesh. On a critical hit, they are held in place and their arms are bound to their body and unusable until they are freed (AC 10, 4 slashing or fire damage, or a DC 12 Strength check as an action). If no creatures are in the area, the mass grabs anything that later passes through it (Ref save as above) and lasts until sunlight touches and destroys it. Using this ability consumes a corpse held within TSATHOEB. Maximum storage is 8. Current storage is 3.
Devour: TSATHOEB heals 1d12+2 damage for every corpse it consumes. It takes 3 rounds to completely devour a corpse, which is then stored for use (see above). If it fills itself with man-sized corpses, the White King will bless it; all of them will be vomited out as a copy of itself made of what it consumed, and both will part ways to devour and perhaps spawn again.
Undead: TSATHOEB is undead, and thus can be turned by clerics. It doesn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe to survive. It is immune to cold damage, sleep, charm, paralysis spells, and other mental effects.