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The Most Bizarre RPG Kickstarter Right Now (And Some News)

Welcome back to the Epic Table! Today's article has been preempted by something that has entirely taken over my brain. There's been some interesting news in the community since last…

By H. Tucker Cobey 10 Min Read

The Archive Problem (As Demonstrated By Burning Wheel)

Hey there, everyone, and welcome back to your seat at the Epic Table! Sometime last…

By H. Tucker Cobey 10 Min Read

Eli has departed from SideQuests! And Epic Table Games

We hope this message finds you well. Today, we're writing with mixed emotions as we…

By rob 3 Min Read

The Joy’s of 3rd Party Content

If you follow along with the Epic Table Games Audio Show, you know that Potato…

By rob 5 Min Read

3rd Party Content

Earlier today Josh and I were going through our podcast episode as planned, or at…

By rob 4 Min Read

The Griffon, The Mission, and Thull

Majestic, powerful, a cross between apex predators. The griffon is a feared opponent in many games,…

By rob 8 Min Read

Crafting the Mythwarden Class from the Ground Up

Amid the creation of "The Lost Libraries of Tymbaria," a remarkable journey unfolded that merged…

By rob 6 Min Read