Rob De Ville, Epic Mastermind

The idea for Epic Table Games started just before the pandemic of 2020 started, as a simple way for a group of players to make some dungeon tiles, do a podcast, and build out a living world campaign. It really came from one man, Rob De Ville, who sound boarded his ideas off of everyone at the table. He’s taken a long time building a small community to start a test run of an online community however he’s been continuously working on the larger project in the background. As an avid nerd, Rob doesn’t often feel like he should have his nerd card at all.
Ultimately the building out of Epic Table Games took time, and some resources that we had to acquire though a long process of bartering and waiting. Rob had to pull lots of strings to get setup with some top of the line equipment, and once he knew it was secured he knew he could get everything moving quickly.
“I’m not like your typical nerd. I love superheroes, comics, movies, dungeons and dragons, and medieval fantasy as much as everyone else. But I love lifting weights, wood working, and building shit with my hands. I really only feel like a part-time nerd.”
When asked about what made Epic Table Games a successful reality, Rob said that is had to do with two things. The individuals who really enjoy playing table top role playing games, and a desire to immerse himself as deeply into the world of miniatures and table top gaming as possible.
“The process of creating wasn’t the hard part. It was actually getting all of the high-end equipment that took time and finances that just weren’t there in the beginning. I had to barter with grandparents and make deals about trading services for goods. It took a while, but we finally got everything that we needed.”
Outside of Epic Table Games and general nerdom, Rob spends his free time with his Wife, kids, and crafting new fantastical worlds to entertain his players